Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Baking Day


Baking sponges to keep in the freezer for the children when they come home.  It was a successful baking day.  I am happy to have cakes ready whenever I need them, they are there for me, to dress and to decorate.  It is good to have beautiful cakes to serve and to enjoy.

The Sponge is Ready to Decorate
Or Keep it in Airtight Container  for Deep Freezing

Sponges are natural enough to do, I have to make sure to measure all ingredients correctly, beat the eggs long enough to have a very thick consistency.  And last but not least that the oven temperature and the time are spots on, they have to be correct; perfect temperature and perfect timing.

Organised the tins, buttered and lined with baking paper

Recipe for my Sponge

Susy's Sponge

3/4 cup sugar
4 eggs (60g)
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
Dry ingredients
1/2 cup corn flour
1/4 cup custard powder
1/4 cup self-rising flour
1 teaspoon cream of tartar
1/4 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda

  1. Heat the oven up to 160 degrees C for fan forced oven or 180 degrees C for ordinary oven
  2. Lined and buttered 2 tins, size 20 cm
  3. Sift the dry ingredients a few times at least three times.
  4. Beat the eggs and sugar, until light, white, creamy and thick (about 10 minutes)
  5. Stir in the dry ingredients in the egg mixture, cut and fold gently to make the smooth cake mixture
  6. Pour the cake mixture onto two prepared tins.
  7. Bake in the preheated oven for 18-20 minutes
  8. When the cake is springy to touch, the cake is cooked
  9. Take it out from the oven, rest it for 5 minutes in the tins.
  10. Turn it out from the tins, and cool on a cooling tray away from the draft.
  11. When cold, join them with jam and whipped cream
I baked pink sponges today, I put some pink colouring,  for the flavour you can put raspberry or strawberry essence.  Do it at the last minute of step four, make sure that the colour pink is mixed evenly.

The Preparations

My family enjoy sponge cakes, it is convenient for me if I have one kept in the freezer.  I believe sponges are acceptable to serve on any occasion, it is everyone's favourites.

Well, happy baking!  The recipe is there for you.
Until next post

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