Tuesday, 18 October 2011


Glace  Angelica

I am so curious about making glace angelica.  I have wanted to do this since years ago.  I have a new plant now which I bought from the Famers' Market.   It grows, but it is a very young tree, so I could not harvest a lot of them.  I have managed to cut a few young stems, that  I am going to be working on.

I found this recipe, I have total trust in it, so I am hoping that this experiment is going to work. 
I have 200 g of Angelica, I washed, chopped into 12 cm pieces length, and I boiled them. 
I peeled as you would with celery, then I kept them in layers with sugar in between, and put some sugar on top generously, then covered with plastic glad wrap.  Keep it for two days, then continue the further steps.

The Process: From Harvest to Cooking

 Second Steps Of Preparations

Cover the Sugared Layers of Angelica.
Leave it for Two days.

I will update in two days to finish the process.
Until the next steps.

Stay Tuned


  1. Today is the day to finish the process of making the glace angelica

  2. I will post the final process of making candied angelica- instead of glace angelica, tonight 22 October 11
