Saturday, 6 August 2011


Poached Pears in Syrup

Packham Pear
A beautiful fresh pear that we can get at this time of the year is the Packham pear. It is my favourite.  It's very juice,  lovely for fruit salad, mix salad with cheese and it can be cooked for cakes.   This time I like to poach it for the winter's dessert.

A lot of variety pears, but only a few of the varieties that I am familiar with, those are Williams, Packham, and Bosc.  Williams is the same as the Bartlett Pear.  Bosc Pear, the skin is brown, and they have a very grainy texture.  It's suitable for cooking.  I love to poach this Bosc Pear in red wine.

Light Winter Dessert Poached Packham Pear Served With Crème Fraiche
Poached Pear in Syrup Garnished with cracked Black Pepper.

Packham pears
Initially bred in Australia, the Packham pear is excellent eaten fresh or used in cooking.

Bosc pears are very different in appearance. Their skin is brown and often has a slightly grainy texture. However, the flesh is sweet and smooth. They make an excellent contrast because they have an elongated top half and are less round and squat than the Bartlett and Anjou. Bosc pears are quite famous and generally quite easy to find in grocery stores

The Bartlett pear actually comes in green flesh and red flesh variety. The fully ripe Bartlett may be somewhat yellow, but the Red Bartlett pear develops its red skin before being fully mature. Similarly, the D’Anjou pear, often called the Anjou pear, can be either red or yellow, or like an apple, this pear can have a red blush when fully ripe.

My cooking today: poached pear in syrup, absolutely delicious.  I served it with crème Fraiche.

Poaching Pears In Syrup
Pear in Syrup
Tweleve minutes poaching

Total cooking time is forty-five minutes
The Syrup:
1 cup white sugar
1/2 cup water
1-star anise, cinnamon stick
Forty-five minutes, the pears are cooked.
1 tablespoon lemon juice and lemon peeled
Simmering for five minutes

The pear is ready to serve

 Pears can make beautiful, healthy and delicious dishes, they are suitable for our nourishment.  Pears can be useful for our health treatments too.  Good Old Pear!

Pears can be useful in treating inflammation of mucous membranes, colitis, chronic gallbladder disorders, arthritis, and gout. Pears can also be beneficial in lowering high blood pressure, controlling blood cholesterol levels, and increasing urine acidity.
In ancient Greece, pears were used to treat nausea.
Most of the fibre is insoluble, making pears a good laxative. The gritty fibre content may cut down on the number of cancerous colon polyps. Most of the vitamin C, as well as the dietary fibre, is contained within the skin of the fruit.[1 (Wikipedia)

Until next time.

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