Friday, 16 March 2012


My Orchid Collection

The cymbidium orchids are looking so well, the leaves are so green, they are very healthy, too many plants now in my garden, I did not realise that I got so many. They should have started showing their spikes from March, here in Australia.  I have seen only three spikes so far, maybe some of the plants are a slow starter.

cymbidiums with spikes

On the other hand, other orchids, the crucifix orchids have been flowering since early February, and now they are still looking beautiful, bright pink, absolutely gorgeous. 

The Crucifix Orchids with Gorgeous Pink Flowers

The flowers have been there over a month, they last for a long time.

The Australian native orchids are looking good too, I am sure this year I will have more flowers. I propagated a cattleya, now I have two plants, and they are doing OK, the Masdevallia is growing larger since I repotted last year.

Australia Native Orchid-Dendrobium

So many questions to ask, information to read,  regarding the cymbidium.  Here I found practical things to do, regarding the orchids, an article from The Garden, botanicus, perfectus

Everyone who lives in Australia and has the orchids, they may be finding this information useful.

Monthly Guide  For Cymbidium Orchids

Generally, hot weather, so the water around and over the plant to humidify. Don’t
water too late in the evening and don’t allow roots to dry out, or
Overwater. Feed fortnightly with specific orchid food for the ‘flowering


Warm conditions so watch watering and provide humidity. Feeding, watering
Etc, same as for January. Fertilise with an application of blood & bone
mixed with sulphate of potash (6 parts blood & bone to 1 part potash)
and sprinkle this
the top of the potting mix.


Watch for flower spikes emerging. Maintain
same feeding and watering regime.

My cymbidium has two spikes this month.  I am so pleased.

If there is any danger of frost,
Plants should be covered or moved indoors at night. Plants still need
to remain outside during the day in a position where they will receive morning
Sun. Watering and feeding should be done only in the morning – do
Not overwater. Continue feeding with ‘flowering’ fertiliser. When
flower spikes begin to emerge it will be necessary to prevent damage by slugs
and snails as they can consume an emerging flower spike overnight.

Same as for April but feeding
And watering should be reduced. Carefully stake up flower spikes as
They are brittle and easily broken. Continue to protect from damage
by snails and slugs.

Plants should now be moved.
To a more protected area to prevent damage from frosts, wind and rain. This
is the beginning of the ‘rest’ period for Cymbidiums so stop
Feeding. Watch flower spikes for ants, aphids, scale, and spider mites. Continue
To watch for snails and slugs. Water very sparingly and keep moist
Only if the plant is flowering. Plants can be left indoors as long
as they have plenty of light and air circulation, but not in a room which
is too warm from a heating system.

Same as for June.

Remove any spent flower spikes. Water sparingly – keeping.
Just moist. Same
as for June.

flowering is finished, this is the time to re-pot if re-potting is necessary.
October Check general health of the plant and remove any damaged or diseased
Sections. Use one of the mixes suggested on the first page and
re-pot the plant. Sprinkle plant food around the top of the pot (dynamic lifter
Or similar). Water the plant and place it in an area where it will
Receive morning sun and then dappled sun/shade in the afternoon. Plants
should still be protected from snails and slugs and should be up off the
Ground if possible. Cover if there is any danger of frost.

to the fertiliser for the ‘growth’ period and feed the plant
With this fertiliser at half strength every week. Spray the foliage
Of the plant with the same half strength mix fortnightly. If there
is no rain, keep plants sufficiently watered and keep ground around them
Damp to provide humidity. At the end of the month sprinkle 1 spoonful
of slow-release fertiliser on top of each pot.

As for November. If hot, spray plant for humidity more often.

Ann Costelloe


I wish you all to have a great weekend and enjoy. 

If you have friends or company's coming, this is an idea for you. 
From my daily reading:  Home is Where the Heart Is

When entertaining, floating candles are an exciting alternative to more traditional candle displays.  The interplay of light and water creates a very sophisticated and unique effect.  Floating candles are available in a variety of popular shapes and burn for two to three hours.

March  16

Until Next Post

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