Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Strawberry Patch - Potted

Strawberries And Strawberries

I can say that I am so pleased to keep my strawberries patch, I thought that potted strawberry plants are enough for what I need.   You know what, this year the plants look so deep green, lush with broad leaves, they are very healthy.  I saw a lot of flowers, and at the same time, a few berries were turning red. However I could not harvest them all, garden snails love to eat them and also the birds.  My daughter Susan said that I have to share the berries, and I think she is right.
Strawberry  Conserves,  Gem Scones with Strawberry Jam and Cream

Delicious homemade strawberry conserve is made out of small red berries.  Some of them I managed to make a pot of jam.  The gem scone that I baked is dressed in the jam and whipped cream.  It's a treat.

The Strawberry Patch
A lot of strawberries

The potted strawberries are doing well too, I made a pot of jam, and strawberry conserves.  They have a lot of fruits this year but smallish. It is time to do beautiful things out of these berries.  Strawberry pie, strawberry sauce,  hopefully.

The Potted Strawberries

I did a reading about strawberry the other day, and  I like to share about the nutritional value and the strawberry.

Strawberries are not only good to eat, but they are also "good for us." They are an especially tasty source of vitamin C (ascorbic acid). In fact, one cup of fresh strawberries provides about 88 milligrammes of ascorbic acid, which more than meets the Recommended Daily Dietary allowance of 45 milligrammes for the average adult. Vitamin C is well retained when the strawberries are handled carefully. Capping, injuring, cutting, or juicing, however, will reduce the vitamin content.

Strawberries are low in calories: one cup of unsweetened strawberries has only 55 calories. So if you are on a reducing diet, use berries to add flavour, food value, and pleasure to meals. You can even eat some as a between-meals snack.

More about strawberries coming up.

It will continue.
Stay Tuned

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