Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Strawberry Patch-Potted (Continued)

Strawberries - A Treat  For Summer

Enjoy the best fresh strawberry from the garden, from toppings, jam, sauce to fruit salad.

Rosy fruit salad for Summer; to freshly picked red strawberry add some sugar and white wine. Hull the fruit and put into a bowl, sprinkle with caster sugar. Just before serving pour over the wine, or sparkling wine.

Refreshing Rosy Strawberry Salad


To serve for a family of 6

Rosy Strawberry Salad
900 g freshly picked strawberries
5 tablespoon caster sugar
Juice of a half lemon
160 mil rose wine
Wash the fruit quickly, dry and hulled
Place in a bowl, add in the caster sugar
Refrigerate for two hours
Add in the sparkling rose wine just before serving
To serve:
Serve individually in a bowl
Place in a large bowl for family to help them self

Variation: mix with other berries: such as raspberry, red currants.  It makes a festive dessert for Christmas in Australia.

Step By Step What To Do
Pick fresh strawberries, wash gently
and rinse quickly

Dry them on an absorbent paper

Take the stems off and hull the strawberries.

Add a tablespoon of caster sugar.

Sprinkle the caster sugar toss them around,
add lemon juice, then refrigerate for two hours

Before serving add in the wine, stir, serve on
a beautiful bowl or a plate

Tips how to look after fresh strawberries
  1. Do not wash or remove caps before storing as berries absorb moisture.
  2. Immediately before using quickly wash berries (do not soak), with caps still intact, so the berries will not fill with water which, dilutes the flavour of the strawberry.
The strawberries from my garden are big enough, most of them are smallish though, and red, but the taste is sweet and full of flavour.  Last year we harvested about eight hundred grams maybe.  I hope I will get more this year.  So far, it has been enjoyable.
Until Next Post

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