Thursday, 10 November 2011

Play Time (Continued)

Fun Time  -   The  Play Time Continues

These are what I made from the remaining pasta dough:  yesterday I made thin spaghetti, today I made ravioli, and I am planning to cook lasagna too.  Another fun time for me, the play time continues.  I made pasta sheets,  I tried my best to make pretty ravioli,  the shape is not that consistent yet, anyway, I was creative enough to make two shapes of ravioli.   The rest of the dough is for the lasagna, and I fried some of it to make carnival biscuits.  It's all good.

Pasta sheets for ravioli and lasagna

(Make pasta sheets in a lot of batches, it freezes well, so do ravioli and other pasta dishes)

Carnival Biscuits is one of the hot biscuits in Italy, it is made out of pasta dough.  A little sugar and some liquor are added to the dough.   I used this pasta dough, to make carnival biscuits.  It is not a sweet dough, so the taste of the cookies lacks sweetness even though it's dusted with icing sugar, but the texture is close enough.  I will do the proper carnival biscuits next time.

Carnival Biscuits-Fried Biscuits

The Carnival Biscuits
Slice some of the pasta sheets, fry in deep oil
When is cooked, fish out and rest it onto absorbent paper
Dust with icing sugar to serve

The play time is over, but the fun is not,  I am looking forward to doing more exciting cooking and creating new recipes.  That is the fun.!

It has been busy but enjoyable work for this post.

Until Next Time

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