Monday 6 June 2011

Harvesting - Yacon

Yacon the Peruvian ground apple

What is Yacon? Yacon is a perennial plant grown in the Andes of Peru for its crisp, sweet-tasting tubers. The texture and flavour have been described as a cross between a  fresh apple and watermelon which is why it is sometimes referred to as the apple of the earth (more about it-Wikipedia)

I harvested my yacon today, and it is excellent, for one tree I got so many tubers.  Thanks to Joan Good for this plant. 
I have been looking after this plant very well, now I am happy with the result.

inspecting to harvest the yacon

   The ground was so wet.
I did not know where I had to start.

digging to harvest the yacon

The wet soil helped me to dig the ground quickly.
I was so excited to see that I had so many fruits from the ground-the apple of the earth.

a fresh tuber of yacon

The size of the tuber is not to bad. It's just about time to harvest.  The tubers keep well in a dry place/storage.  The longer you keep the yacon- the better the taste gets.  It's a lot sweeter.

tubers of yacon

The marvel of yacon syrup:
Yacon syrup is a sweetening agent extracted from the tuberous root of the yacon plant. *They are suitable for diabetic people and dieters.
*The tuber is composed mostly of water and fructose oligosaccharides.  These edible tubers contain inulin, an indigestible sugar, which means that although they have a sweet flavour, the tubers contain fewer calories.
The sugar content is not absorbed by humans. This form of sugar a particular type of fructose leaves the body undigested.

peeled fresh tubers of yacon
beautiful, refreshing colour

Yacon is good to be eaten raw and also it is suitable for cooking.  Next time I will cook the yacon, and I will share the recipe.

Until next time.



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