Wednesday 8 June 2011

C a b b a g e

Egg Roll with Cabbage

Cabbage is a very versatile vegetable, it is easy enough to plant, and excellent for any cooking.
It can be braised, steamed, and baked.  I will be using cabbage with a difference in this dish.
Mixing the cabbage with eggs, then cook it as a giant pancake and stuff it with prawns.

Cabbage Head
A cabbage head is consumed raw, cooked or preserved.  It is the principal ingredient in coleslaw. In the summertime I use the cabbage for salads, in autumn I do a stir fry with it, for winter, I cook it for soups.  Right now is the first month of winter I saute and pan fry cabbage with egg and prawns.  The weather is not too cold for us to be able to enjoy this lovely warm cabbage egg roll.

Cabbage Egg Roll with Prawns Filling

The Ingredients
8 cups shredded cabbage
(saute in oil for 2 minutes)
8 eggs, large, lightly beaten
1/2 cup vegetable oil
1/2 teaspoon salt
Egg mixture:  mix the egg, salt
and the cabbage together.
The filling:
200 g cooked, peeled prawns
1 egg
1 tablespoon almond meal
salt to taste
Method:  Follow step by step what to do bellow.

Step   By   Step   How   To    Do 

1. shredded cabbage
2,  the filling
prawns, egg, and almond meal

3, pan fry egg and cabbage mixture
4. add in the prawns filling
5. rolling the eggs cabbage mixture
over the prawns

6. adding more the eggs and cabbage mixture, and
keep on rolling until the egg mixture is used up

7. lower heat, keep on cooking for 5 minutes, then
transfer the egg roll on to a foil lined with paper

8.  wrap the egg roll in the foil and keep aside
let it stay for ten minutes before slicing.

a slice of the cabbage egg roll

Slices of the cabbage roll can be served as they are, garnished with a salad and hot garlic bread.  Or it can be used as a garnish of another dish such as fragrant yellow rice garnished with a slice of a cabbage egg roll.

Have Fun and Enjoy Cooking


1 comment:

  1. Great idea mum, now I know what to do with the 1/4 savoy cabbage in the fridge!
