Thursday, 12 July 2012

Napa - Chinese Cabbage (Continued)

Pickled,  Stuffed Napa Cabbage

Delicious, refreshing pickled napa cabbage is excellent to serve as a garnish for rice dishes.  It does not take time to make it, as a matter of fact, it can be prepared on the same day you wish to serve.

Susy’s Fresh Pickled Napa Cabbage
A quartered napa cabbage
2 tablespoon salt
2 limes juice
Place napa cabbage in a plate, loosen up the leaves, sprinkle with salt in between the leaves and put extra salt all over.
Leave it for 45 minutes.  Press and squeeze the napa cabbage and discard the juice.  Sprinkle with the juice of  two limes and keep aside for 35 minutes.
Place the napa cabbage in a bowl, add some water to rinse.  Drain and dry completely
Dress the napa with vegetable oil, lime juice and fresh chilli and garlic sauce
The fresh pickled napa cabbage is ready to serve.  It is excellent to garnish rice dishes

What To Do
Fresh Pickled Napa Cabbage
a very appetising pickle to go with rice dishes

Napa Cabbage with Stuffing.
Stuffed napa cabbage with meat and vegetables to be enjoyed on its own or served as a garnish of rice or pasta.  You can stuff the whole napa cabbage, or an also halved a quarter.

My recipe is for a quartered napa cabbage.  Loosen it up,  so the leaves can be separated, then fill them up with stuffing.  Braise in chicken stock with lemon and orange rinds.  You can make your own stuffing as you like.

Susy's Stuffed Napa Cabbage
A quarter of Napa Cabbage


100 g mince chicken
2 eggs
1/2 cup sliced mushrooms
1 shallot, peeled and chopped
1 spring onion, chopped
1 tablespoon light soy
1 tablespoon oil
Salt to taste, freshly ground white pepper

Place all ingredients in a bowl, mix all together to combine.

Fill the napa leaves with the filling, then stack one on another, put them back into the original shape, tie and knot it with the string.

Step By Step 

To Stuff The Napa Cabbage
Braising stock with orange and lemon rinds

Stuffed Napa (tie and knot it) is ready to braise.

Place napa on to braising stock, cover and braise
for 18 minutes and keep in the braising pot until
serving time.
The cooked stuffed napa cabbage in the braising pot

Sweet and delicate sliced stuffed napa cabbage

Serve stuffed napa cabbage with the braising sauce, slice into four and serve hot.

Left: stuffed napa cabbage served with chilli paste.   Right: stuffed napa, with braising sauce

More recipes using Napa - Chinese cabbage for you, have fun and enjoy.

Until Next Post
Thanks For Stopping By

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