Wednesday 28 November 2012

Pumpkin Scones

Pumpkin Scone Fingers And Pumpkin Scone Rolls
Scones with a difference, they are not round shaped; instead, they are long shaped.  I used necessary scone ingredients, but I added with two tablespoons mashed roasted pumpkin for each cupful of self-raising flour.
The scone finger is plain, but for the scone roll, it has some sultanas.

The Scone Fingers
I wanted to have moist scones, but not crusty on the outside, for that,  what I did was, wrap the freshly baked scone in a cloth.

The scone rolls were light, and I wish to serve the scones with the crusty crust. Therefore I let them cool on a baking tin or cooling tray.

Freshly baked pumpkin scone rolls

Pumpkin Scone Rolls

I served the pumpkin scone fingers hot and drizzled with honey, omitted the butter.  They were good scones, we enjoyed with a hot cup of tea.  Another way to serve them is to cut in halves and buttered.
Hot pumpkin scone fingers with honey.

Simple things are often very pleasing, just like the hot pumpkin scone fingers with honey.  It was a treat for our afternoon tea.

Until Next Post
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