Soon will be my potted cotton palm, it has been in the pot for the past eight years, what I need is to find the right spot, it is such a beautiful architectural plant.
I thought it is time to plant these potted plants in the ground, as I could not keep up to care for them, to water regularly, repotting and adding special fertilisers and so forth. Today is a hot day, I don't think that I am brave enough to work in the garden. But in the late afternoon, may be I will spend some time in the yard. I have not decided yet where the cotton palm has to go. It is a dwarf palm and very pretty, but it needs ample space.
Two topiary plants are going to the ground too, that is another task for me to place them in the right spots. I asked Rayner for suggestions, regarding all those plants, but the answers are always the same, I don't know, you are the artist (he said). He does help me to maintain the topiary very well, and of course, the hedge, the green wall.
The tall pittosporum hedge, I regard it as the wall of my garden.
Now two potted plants are no longer in the pots and not for long another three potted plants will be off the containers too. Yes, there is enough space for them in the backyard.
Heading a busy weekend to work in the garden, it is going to be fun days. Have a good weekend to you all and enjoy!
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