Monday, 7 May 2012

May Straberries

Late Autumn, so it is May the last month of the season,  this year is the worst season for strawberry, because of the rains and there is not enough sun.  It is cold and wet, not good for the berries.  I have been waiting to get some red berries, but before they are turning red, they are bruised,  spoilt by the rain.  The dampness of the ground makes slugs grow madly and so hungry too.  They are so rude, every day they help themselves with some berries, and they are so smart to choose the red ones.

Semi-ripe berries, freshly picked

I have no choice but to harvest the semi-ripe berries.  It is catch twenty-two really if I leave them in the ground to wait until they turn red, these little creatures eat them, leaving some holes on the berries, but if I picked them early, they don't taste as sweet as the summer ones.
 After harvesting I keep them on the kitchen bench to wait to turn red; however, I am not sure to eat them fresh, most of them I used for Jam making.

 The Red strawberries are not very healthy
 Too wet, there is not enough sun. No red and juicy berries.

There is no hope to have juicy and sweet berries in this weather.  I am settled for the summer season.  Jam making or baking, it's the way to go for this month.

My Country Cake Style-Strawberry and Chocolate Cake

Enjoy The Berries For May
Use for jam making or conserved
Use for baking muffins
Use for baking easy, quick method cakes

The cake looks beautiful, does it cut and paste goof?  Will see until I do it.

I am happy enough to save the cake, as I burnt the top.  It was a first try recipe, I think it is  better if it was baked on a hot oven at 175 degrees C for 35-40 minutes, instead of 200 degrees C

Country Cooking
Chocolate and Strawberry Cake

This cake is a quick method cake, it's moist, easy to do and freezes well.  The May strawberries were well used, I hope the cake tastes tasty and moist enough.  I will let you know about it.

In the meantime, if you have a strawberry patch in the garden, enjoy the harvest.  The weather cannot be blamed, I am sure there are some sweet strawberries around; unfortunately they are not in my garden.

Thank You For Stopping By

Until Next Post
Stay Tuned

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