Tuesday, 22 May 2012


Methods of Cooking

Today is the conclusions of The Principal of Cooking Methods.  It is about braising technique, based on The Australian Cookery Of Today.

Revisit what we have learnt: 
Steaming, Deep Frying, Shallow Frying, Sautéing and Roasting. 

Look at these older posts:
Steaming: 18 - 01- 2012, under the heading of Flavour and Nourishment (Continued)
Deep Frying:  22 - 01 - 2012, under the title of Deep Frying
Sallow Frying: 7 - 03 -2012, under the heading of My beef and My bay
Sautéing: 19 - 03- 2012, under the title of  Sautéing Roots Vegetable
Roasting:  8-04-2012, under the heading of Easter with Us
Today's Post:
Braising: 22-5-2012, under the heading of Braising

Braising delicious meatballs.  The first pan-fry the meatballs until brown, add aromatic vegetables and stock (I used red wine) Add onion, garlic and herbs.  Braised over low heat for one and a half hour.
Succulent  Susy's braised meatball surprise in aromatic vegetables and red wine.

The meatballs are ready to braise
Braising  the  meatballs  and the Cooked  Braised meatballs 

According to the Australian Cookery Of Today:
Braising is one of the best methods of cooking for the housewife who has to practise economy.  It really combines the principles of both roasting and stewing and has the advantage of making cheap cuts of meat or old birds delicious and tender the meat is first browned in a little fat and place in a stewpan or casserole On vegetables.  A little water or stock is added, the lid is put on, and the food is left to cook in the steam, the vegetables imparting flavour to the meat.

Showing the book and some pages of Australian Cookery Of Today

The preparation and Braising
Aromatic Vegetables-carrots, celery, tomatoes, mushrooms, 
onion, garlic, thyme and bay leaves.  Meatballs are pan-fried to brown.

Cooking the meatballs until brown both sides, add in onion and garlic

Add in the aromatic vegetables, herbs, 1/2 cup water and a cup red wine
Close the pot to braise over low heat for at least 1 hour and 25 minutes.

The Finished Cooked Braised meatballs

Susy's braised meatballs surprise served with wet polenta
(dumpling stuffed with prawn coated with mousse-carrots, mushrooms)

I think we learnt a lot, now we must put them in practice.   It pleases me that I could share this method of cooking with you all and at the same time, I learn more.
I wish you all to have fun and happy cooking.

Thank You For Visiting My Blog

Until Next Post

1 comment:

  1. It worked beautifully, it's delicious.
    More pictures are added.
