Sunday, 4 December 2011


Bright Colours

It is the time of year that my backyard has lovely colours, the hydrangeas are flowering beautifully.  The good thing about hydrangeas, they keep the blooms for a few months, almost throughout summer.  Then fade away,  the colours of the flowers are changed into a rustic green with tainted maroon.

The house and garden, is my Manderley,  often I come home from my walks I get in the house through the back door, I have to open my side gate, walk through a little short lane where the hydrangeas are.  Their colours and beauty adorn this small space.  It gives me a sense of peace and appreciation, it is the power of nature.  I am very grateful.

I love beautiful bright colours of the flowers, quite lovely surrounding where I am truly at home. When things make sense, the day passes fruitfully, a lot of tasks could be done, and the rewards are grand. They make me more calm and relaxed.  To that, I do what I could do best:  creating a new recipe or merely cooking delicious food for the family.  Today is a colourful salad for Sunday.

The Sunday Salad - Colourful Salad
-Potato, Polenta, Diced Chicken, Mix Colour Vegetables and Cashews.-

Sunday Salad
Chicken breast fillet- poached or grilled. cool
Potatoes, diced and pan-fried, cool
Polenta, diced and pan-fried, cool
Avocado, radishes, cut in small pieces
Leafy lettuces
The Dressing
The best quality olive oil, and salt + chopped sorrel
extra  fresh chopped herbs-any herbs that you like
To serve: 
Place the green lettuce - salad on a large platter
Scatter the diced potatoes polenta, and the colourful vegetables
Drizzle the dressing prior serving time.
( I did not put the quantities, I let you improvise by yourself)

Very Colourful Salad

Simple Sunday Salad- Calourful and Delicious.

Simple is the best. I strive for simplicity, particularly in the enjoyment of food and cooking.  Regarding writing recipes for my blog, I have been trying my best to make it simple and easy to understand by everyone.

On that note!  I am pleasantly surprised by people that I don’t know who visit my blog by accidence and then maybe becoming regular readers.   In fact that anyone other than my children drops in regularly makes me happy. To have visitors who are so curious about my blog, and loving it,  I am genuinely thankful. Thanks for your interest.
I hope you had a good weekend,  have a great week to come.!

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