The First Bloom
Red roses are budding, there are a lot of them and looking very healthy. I hope they stay that way, sometimes it can be unpleasant if the plants have too many aphids.
How excited I was to find one red rose in full bloom, the very first of this year. It is not very large, but the deep colour of red with its lovely fragrance won me.
I did not count how many buds my red roses are, but I am sure that I will have plenty to cut for the house.
Not only that but they are useful in the kitchen, for baking, cooking and garnishes. Candied red rose petals are one of my plans to do for my cake decorations.
There are more than twenty red rose bushes, they earn their place, and this year is no exception.
The two standard roses of floribunda are doing well too, small buds are there, soon they will be in flowers. The plants are generous with their flowers throughout spring to summer, they are there for a show.
Sunday Roast Lamb with Rosemary
The roast lamb cooked medium rare/close to well done
The roast lamb dinner
Today, we are not working in the garden, only taking photos of my roses and cooking using herbs from my potted plants. The lamb was cooked perfectly very tender and juicy, while the oven was still hot, apple sponge was baked for the dessert.
Apple Sponge
Have a good week.
Until Next Post
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