Sunday 14 October 2012


The Accidental Biscuits

It is a story of a cook having a bad day, but because of her creativity a new biscuit was born.

A baking day was happening at Sus’s kitchen, things were organised until the preparations of the baking took place. Sponges were on top of the list.   She measured everything correctly, but she took the wrong ingredients; adding two teaspoon bicarbonate of soda instead of cream of tartar.  Ooh, Noo!  Then she started again from scratch to measure the correct parts.  The sponges were baked perfectly, even though the cinnamon and ginger powder were missing.  Sus could not do anything about it, the sponge has been baked only she forgot to add the spices.

She loved to save the first lot of the ingredients for something else, but a big adjustment had to be made.  So she did, she took some of the bicarbonate. Added more flour, sugar and butter, more spices and an egg, with these ingredients light and crispy biscuits were baked.  A new cookie was born.  What would be the name . . . .?

The Baking of the Accidental Biscuits
The Biscuit Dough

Freshly Baked Biscuits-Light and Crispy

While the oven was going another baking was done, sausage rolls for a treat, there were two pieces of bought puff pastry left in the freezer.  They made about 10 small sausage rolls.

The Preparation and Baking Sausage Rolls
Chopped mixed vegetables, mincemeat, sausage meat and an egg.

The filling, mixed vegetables with the meat and egg together to combine

Put the filling on a puff pastry, wrap to enclose the filling.

Snip the top with scissors and cut into small sizes

The small sausage rolls are ready to bake
in the preheated oven at 200 degrees C for 18-20 minutes

Freshly baked sausage rolls

Sus does not bake biscuits, she prefers baking bread, pastries or cakes.  The cookie was okay, that was the first baked biscuits of Sus for this year.

Everyone had their day in the kitchen, so Sus did, but it's all good.  She thought a chocolate and cinnamon topping for the sponge will fix it.

A little story to encourage us all, that things sometimes don't always work out as planned, but it can be better if we think so.  Enjoy the story!

Until Next Post
Thanks For Stopping By

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