Thursday 11 October 2012

Orange And Green

Orange colour is the display flowers that we could see from our kitchen window at present. They are orange clivia, we have two plants and this year they do beautifully.

Another orange colour which is sitting inside the house is the latest addition of my orchids collection, it is Madesvilia.  Potted green topiary plants thriving well, thanks to the rains, the peacock topiary is filling up, it had a little trim last week, it is looking right now.

Nasturtium is orange flowering herbs, together with rosemary, it makes a beautiful combination of potted herbs orange and green.

Oranges are in season, it is time to preserve marmalade, and to make glace oranges.  Cut and shred the peels to make candies or dry them to add in cooking.

The colour of this bag is green and orange, it goes very well with the seasons,  spring to summer, the soft scarf lightens up the tone.

Healthy plants stay shiny and green, this peacock topiary is standing proud of leafy green.

Refer to the gardening books if you want to know that the plants, the leaves of trees and the grass have to stay green.

The garden week was gone, and I did not even work to scratch the surface, nothing much.  Today is a terrific Thursday, I enjoyed an orange to start my day, and the greens to celebrate the day.

Until Next Post
Thanks For Visiting


  1. That's a fun post - a colour-based one! Lovely to see your creativity on this blog Mum!
