Saturday, 24 September 2011

Garden - Kicthen

From Herbs   To   Leafy Green

When I have enough herbs and leafy greens to pick from my garden, I make a day to gather them to put into bunches, and I keep them in the refrigerator to stay fresh.  Tips for everyone to care for the leafy greens:  pick the young and healthy leaves, brush them lightly with your fingers to get rid of the dust or soil; do not wash them because they will get bruised and rot very quickly. Clean, wash them on the day you wish to consume.  Wash the lettuce, leafy green, keep them in a salad spinner, spin it properly, then refrigerate, to keep it fresh for two-three days or even longer.

The weather is warmer now, some lettuces grow to proliferate and flower to seeds which I cannot have them for salads. Therefore, I have to remember to pick them at the right time.  I serve salads daily.
I use herbs in cooking/baking, the family is fond of herb bread,  I bake the bread to garnish the salads. Today I baked herb bread with mint and walnuts.

 Herb Bread with Mints and Walnuts

A slice of the Herb Bread

I found some self-sown herbs, like water crest, dills, butter lettuce in the ground, I transplant them to the right place and wait for the harvest.  I am very proud if I could serve any fresh produce from my garden.  I can say that my kitchen is a place to appreciate my garden.

Water Cress   and   Dills

Preparation for the Herb Bread with Mints and Walnuts

 Freshly Baked Herb Bread

Herb Bread with  Mints and Walnuts

1 cup full, self-rising flour
1 tablespoon margarine
1 tablespoon yoghurt
1 tablespoon mint condiment
(or mix a TB chopped mints, 1tb oil)
25 g chopped walnuts
35 g lightly roasted walnuts
A pinch of salt
1/2 cup milk
1/2 cup chopped fresh mints leaves
Heat the oven to a hot setting, 225 degrees C
Line a baking tray with baking paper
In a bowl place the flour, rub the margarine to flour
Add the rest of the ingredients, mix them gently to make a soft dough
Knead the dough lightly, then shape it into a small loaf
Place it onto the prepared baking tray, mark with 9 slashes on top of the bread
Rub the top with water, bake it into the preheated oven for 16 minutes until golden brown.
To serve:  Buttered and add some roasted walnuts, garnish with salad and cheese for vegetarian.  Serve with pan-fried chicken breast fillet with mints leaves, sweet potato with dill for non-vegetarian

Quick and very nutritious herb bread and nuts.   Have the recipe a go, it is straightforward.

Stay Tuned

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