Saturday, 30 June 2012

Special Saturday

Children are coming home for a weekend, we are looking forward to seeing them.  Susan is a taking her French Bulldog, as well, but Alfie the dog even though he is small he is well dicipline as he attends the dogs' obedience school regularly.  Susan is very dedicated, and she cares about him so well, Alfie is so lucky.

The night before we all communicated with Jane, and the clear picture on our iPad was visible; we could see each other between Australia and the Netherlands.  Jane looks so well and so happy on her late pregnancy, she is due to give birth to her first baby in the first week of July.  It is a fascinating time for all of us.  Susan had an excellent time to talk with her sister. A relaxed morning, after Susan and Tristan took Alfie for a walk, we were relaxed having breakfast together, time to catch up again as Susan doesn't come home often.  They arrived late Friday night.  However, they enjoyed their dinner, Javanese dishes, of course.

Cooking for Saturday is simple and easy cooking, let the oven do the job, no fuss no mess but right.  Sweet Saturday, Shoulder Lamb with garnishes.  We had a delightful lunch, everyone loved the lamb with a Moroccan flavour. I will share the recipe, it is very flavoursome and friendly cooking.

The Luncheon
savouries puffed pumpkin sultana bread, slow cooking shoulder lamb, salads, pita bread and potato sponge cake with cream patisserie.

 They left for Melbourne today at 2.45, they were planning to stop at her sister's in Clayton.  Travelling with a dog is a big operation, maybe I said it before.  They are very caring about Alfie, they want him to be comfortable in the car, so special preparation had to be done.  It did take time.

Quickly we were both catching up doing housework, and it did not take time at all.  Looking forward to the gardening show program on TV,  however, the quietness of the room hit me.  A few hours ago, the house was full of laughter, the kids and the dog.  It seems so strange, it is just the two of us.

A message was here, telling us that they have arrived in Melbourne safely, it was a relief. Tomorrow is Sunday, it is another day, another busy day for us, thank goodness for that.  It was great to have you both, thanks for spending time with us.

Have a happy weekend, thank you for visiting my blog
Until Next Time

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