Monday 10 April 2017


Preparing a Sourdough Starter.

Based on Éric Kayser-The Larousse Book of Bread.  I am making the sourdough starter. Unfortunately, I run out of honey; instead, I am using raw sugar mixed with water.  I hope it is going to work.
I will show you step by step, and I hope it is easy to follow.

To make about 500g (4 cups) liquid sourdough starter.
140g rye flour
240g (1cup) water at 30 degrees temperature
10 g clear honey or malt (I use raw sugar and water)
100g all-purpose plain flour.

Day One: 5-April- 2017.   At 9.00 PM. 
I mixed 20g lukewarm water with 20g rye flour, a half teaspoon of raw sugar combined with 1teaspoon warm water.  The flour mixture is smooth and keeps in the bowl, covered with a cloth for 24 hours.

5-April 20017
Sugar, water, and rye flour
5-April 2001
Water, flour, sugar in a bowl

I used raw sugar diluted with warm water, I tried this for the first time, and see how I go.

Use a spatula to mix.

The smooth texture of the Mixture
5-April 2017
Mixing the ingredients together

Place the bowl in a warm place, away from food, and let it be there undisturbed for twenty hours.  Do not forget to cover with a light cloth (cheesecloth is the best)

5- April-2017.  Day One
The bowl is covered with a cloth and keep in
a warm place at 30 degrees C, place it away
from any food for 24 hours.
Day Two: 6-April-2017 9.00 PM
Bubbles will have formed on the surface.  In a more massive container mix together 40g (1/2cup)rye flour, 40g(2 2/3 tablespoons) water, and 5g clear honey
Stir in the mix from the first day.  This is called 'feeding' or 'refreshing' the starter.  Cover with a cloth and leave it to ferment for 24 hours.

After 24 hours the flour mixture looks a little dry, and it did form a tiny bubble on the 
The Mixture after 24 hours

The Mixture after 24 hours
looks a little dry
The feeding ingredients
ready to mix

The feeding for the starter, rye flour, honey, and water

6 - April- 2007
Stir in from the first-day Mixture to the feeding Mixture
6- April-2017
The look of the starter mixture of Day Two
it needs a cover.
 and place it in a warm place
At a warm place inside the house.
  Leave to ferment for 24 hours.  A light cover of
cheesecloth is the best for it.

I am looking forward to seeing the starter mixture after the twenty-four hours, The Mixture should be bubbling noticeably.  That's what it should be!
The look of the Mixture after the 24 hours - The Day Three.


Day Three: 7-April, 2017.  At 9. 00 PM
The Mixture will be bubbling noticeably.  Mix 80 g rye flour and 80 water in a larger bowl.
Blend in the mix from the second day.  Cover with a cloth and leave to ferment for 24 hours.
The Mixture at day three, undisturbed
After stirring, the Mixture shows a lot of bubbles

Start processing, feeding for the day three

7 - April-2017
80 grey flour and 80 gr warm water
for feeding
7 - April-2017
Mix together flour and water until smooth.
It will be mixed with the three-day Mixture.

The smooth Mixture (the feeding) and the mix of the third day.

The mix from the third day is added to the feeding Mixture and mix together until smooth.
The smooth Mixture at the end of the process on day three.
Cover and leave it in a warm place for 24 hours


Day Four: 8-April, 2017.  At 9.00 PM
To the third day's mix, add the all-purpose (plain) flour and 100 g water.  Stir well.  Your starter is now ready to use.  It will have the consistency of thick pancake batter.
Store it in a glass jar, lightly covered, but so that air can get to the starter.  (If you plan to keep it for some time, it should be stored airtight in the refrigerator)

The Mixture, after 24 hours of the Day Four.
Beautiful with Prominent Bubbles.

The look of the Mixture after lightly stir.
It is beautiful with prominent bubbles.
The looks of the Mixture on day four (dry)

The last process on day four, simply adds the 100 flour and 100 ml water.
8 - April-2017
100g flour and 100m water to mix and added to the four
days old Mixture

Mixing the flour and water 
Adding the flour mixture to the Mixture
of the day four

Made It.   I have the sourdough starter, and I can start baking the bread.

Covered with the cloth and leave it
on a bench until baking time.
A lovely smooth mixture of sourdough starter
Ready to be used.  


It worked well by omitting the honey and using raw sugar mixed with water on the first day during the preparation of the starter. The sourdough starter looks good, but I will be more convinced on the day I bake the bread.  I will let you know.

At this point, because I am not ready to bake the bread, I will keep my sourdough starter nicely covered and sits on a bench in the kitchen.  It can stay there within three days, but if I weren't using it until next week, I would keep it in an airtight jar, and keep in the refrigerator.

If you are keen on baking, here the sourdough starter that you could prepare at your own home.

To Care for the Sourdough Starter???

To Be Continued

Until Next Post

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