I don't serve breakfast, but today is a particular Sunday for us, and I decided to do breakfast for the family. It's quickly done as the preparation was the day before, hot steamed buns for breakfast. A delicious bread bun stuffed with soft poached eggs and sweet pork, it goes well with hot tea.
A bun for a person was plenty, fresh fruits are there but were not taken.
The preparation - The day before
From poaching the eggs to steam the buns
They were yummy hot buns, but we found problems with the paper underneath, it sticks on the buns, and it was tough to peel off. Just one of those things, the fault of the cook.
After breakfast, we took the family and the dog for a short walk to the Reservoir Conservations Reserve. We saw a lot of people there having a good time, exploring the bush and watching wildlife, birds, ducks and so on. Alfie, the dog, was happy enough, enjoying the park and fresh air that morning.
In The Park
We did not stay for long, Alfie got too hot quickly, we went home to have a quiet morning. We were relaxed back at home, catching up the goss and Susan had fun looking up old family photos.
The Lunch
I did terrific six dishes efficiently with fried krupuk for the garnish. I am home to have Javanese meals, what we had for lunch was Nasi Rames (white steamed rice with the accompaniments) but the roast dinner of the previous night was so perfect. It is so right to have a roast of the leg of lamb with all the trimmings when the family is home. Today we have been here for forty years. We celebrate!
Krupuk (prawn crackers) and Empal (double cooked beef) have to be on the Menu.
cooking the Javanese dishes in my kitchen
Tahu masak bawang, kare telur pedas, semur terong
Tahu, sayur masak bawang, kare telor pedas
Nasi Putih (white steamed rice) with garnishes
Ayam bacem (braised chicken with tamarind and turmeric)
Meringue with fresh fruits (No it is not Javanese cooking)
But at least we had the fresh fruits. Fresh fruit is so important
it is served after dinner as the dessert.
I wish to start posting about Javanese cooking soon.
The Sunday lunch was enjoyable, we had a tasty feast. I don't cook a variety of dishes every weekend, I save it for a special occasion. Today the cooking was excellent. In fact, I enjoyed my own food; indeed, it was delicious.
By the late afternoon, everyone felt weary, I never miss my daily Nana nap, so it was fine by me.Time has gone so fast, I remember vividly, we were picked up at Tullamarine airport on the 9th of March 1974, by Father Fulton, the vice principal of Monevae College who is now no longer with us, after he took us to have a dinner at the Southern Cross Hotel (which has been demolished), and he drove us straight to Hamilton. It was a very late afternoon, once we got out from the city of Melbourne the road was so quiet, and he drove so fast (I thought), and I was wondering' where were the people'. Miles after miles, I could not see people, not a soul. It is so different and more so if you come from Java.
I thought of Frank, particularly today. He was so kind, generous to people but especially to us. It was a royal welcome, from experience I tried to treat others the same - with respect.
We meet new friends, good people and through them, we learn, and we live well.
We were three people then, Rayner, me and Mel, our first daughter, and forty years later we are thirteen. We are blessed.
I forgot about Alfie, he is a Cute French Bulldog, Susan's dog, so our family is now fourteen.
A beautiful surprise gift from Susan and Tris. Little Prince Protea Cynaroides. I will try my best to care for it. Thank you.
We had an excellent long weekend, especially Sunday.
Until Next Post.
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