It is the first month of Autumn, and flowers and plants are there in the garden, they are beautiful and celebrate the Season. We need more rains, my garden is slightly dry, but the colourful roses lift up the dullness of the ground, and also do other flowers such as geranium and pelargonium.
Geranium with a beautiful orange colour and deep red pelargonium-a flamboyant colour
Gallipoli Heath
Peace Roses which I transplanted last year are growing well, and the flower is so beautiful, yellow always make the place brighter.
The day it's in full bloom ----------------A few days later.
The day before a budding peace rose ------------The bud is open. beautiful yellow roses
A few days after, the colour of the Peace Rose is changed
Another yellow rose is Graham Thomas, David Austin's Rose
The red variegated roses and red floribunda standards are there still and also the pink and white Iceberg, and all give extra colours; however, the Autumn garden can be a little sad at times.
The pictures look so beautiful, maybe better than the real flowers in my garden.
Autumn always has a touch of sadness in the garden because the grass is not as green as at Springtime, soon the leaves are falling from trees. But there are beautiful things too.
The whitebark so stands out, and lovely foliages this time of the year are so fabulous, that is the beauty about Autumn.
I am sure in the public gardens, and parks, we could find a lot more colours from the tree, the leaves and the flowers. Autumn, Glorious Autumn.
Beautiful White Trunks
Beautiful foliage, It is good to look at the beautiful shades of colours.
Red Cymbidium with three new spikes and they are so small to be noticed.
The Twin Geisha Girls
The herbs are getting ready to have their rest, they all look so tired, but they suffice enough for what I need at the moment.
From thyme with purple flowers, red nasturtium to the mint leaves that I could not go without, most of my cooking is using fresh herbs, from the leaves to flowers.
Nasturtiums are coming back, they are not hard to care for, and are suitable for adding colours in the garden and also on salads.
This month the garden looks alright, and the weather is going to stay warm a little longer, I am sure more growths are happening in there.
Until Next Post
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