The repotting of my large Yucca plants was in progress, we finished one pot. The second pot was not that hard, as we know what to expect. It was fun to bash the large pot, wow such expensive activity, I wanted to save the pots but it was impossible.
Thanks for Rayner's help. He did excellent job, getting all the plant out and cut them short, using hand saw and other tools, very hard work.
The yucca plants were on tall large pots, they looked not too well, and shabby and some of the paint of the pots had peeled off. I decided to repot to give them a new look, using large but shorter pots.
I was so surprised that actually the plants needed repotting much earlier as they were root bound so badly.
Farewell big pots, and welcome beautiful small pots. I knew that they will look just perfect.
The bashing of the pots was easy enough, but to cut of the root bound yucca plants was not funny at all. Putting the broken pots to our backyard was very good exercises for me. There were loads of wheelbarrows.
Repotting is easy when the plant is already out from the old pot. I soaked the plant in water over nights and added some plant starter to protect from the shock. Now the plant is in new soil, added with blood and bone and very little slow released fertiliser. It will live!!!!!
I believe the plants will survive, they need time to settle, it is a good time for the plants to adjust as the cooler weather is coming. They do look smart and better on these short large pots, and I am hoping they will be alright. I must say that we both worked as a team so well.
The New Look of Potted Yucca
Potted Plants for Indoors.
I like to have indoor plants, in the seventies I had more indoor plants than now. There are three indoor plants in our house, a palm, monstera deliciousa and maiden fern. Two of them are very easy plants to care for but the maiden ferns are not looking so great.
Having indoor plants can be successful as long as we give the plants what they need for growing, such as the right place to sit, keeping the soil moist, and fertilise regularly.
I have also nurtured the plants for the past eleven years, it was sitting outside in a shady place, and I put it inside the house only last year, it loves it and grow so well. Now the montera deliciousa become 'The Monster'
Today is a Sunny Day
The picture was taken on a sunny morning, the new look of the potted yucca is good. I could relax now, maybe after five years they need to be repotted again, but just wait and see. We shall enjoy the plants for the time being. Gardening is never finished, that's the beauty of it.
Well, I wish all the very best to you all gardeners, keep busy but enjoy!
Until Next Post
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