Monday 27 March 2017


Fun With Fresh Fruits.

Preserving fresh apricots
Stone and halve the apricots, place in a pot, add sugar, a little water and lemon juice.  Cook to braise until soft.  Transfer to clean jar and label it!  Keep in the refrigerator when it is opened.

Enjoy mixed fresh fruits for breakfast.
Fig, pear, grapes, kiwi, strawberries, watermelon, rockmelon and apple
Fresh fruits for meringue topping or for garnish cakes.
Mango, strawberry, raspberry, passionfruit and blueberry. 

Fresh fruits for topping Summer Sponge Cake


Fresh Berries to serve for Trifle
Fresh Berries for topping crisps layer water pastry

Fresh pineapple is the crucial ingredient for Javanese fruit salad with hot dipping sauce(lotis).  It is excellent to be adding for cooking pork and very refreshing to add to a jug of water for a cold drink.
Chopped fresh pineapple, cucumber, pomelo,
strawberry and coconut sugar with chilli dipping sauce.

Fresh pineapple, to add to bake a cake and also excellent, for making glace pineapple to decorate cakes and Christmas cake.  A relish pineapple is one of the best relishes to serve with meat curry and rice.

Harvesting Nectarines

Nectarine Muffins

Makes 24 small

3 cups self-raising – flour
¾ raw sugar
¼ teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
1 cup milk
½ cup oil
2 eggs
a pinch of salt
Chopped almonds 
5 fresh nectarines, wash, seeded, cut and add in ¼ cup sugar and cook for a few minutes.  Let it cool (the fruit will be soft, and contain juice)


Heat the oven up to 175 degrees C (a fan-forced)
Place the dry ingredients in a large bowl.
Add in the mixture of milk, oil and eggs, and also the nectarine + the juices
Mix gently but quickly, don’t over mix (about 18 folds and stir it two times)
Spoon onto well prepared lined, and buttered small muffin tins add chopped almonds on top
Bake in the prepared oven for 13 minutes
Take it out, and transfer to a cooling tray

 Orange for mini orange cake, and for shredded glace rinds.
Sliced brioche with the glace orange rind.
Slices of fresh oranges to add to a roasting leg of lamb.

Poached Pear in Syrup
Serve the pear with freshly cracked black pepper.  Pear poached in red wine for a tart is very festive. Please look at the older post, type: poached pear in red wine to search.

Sliced granny smith apple to add for cooking a roast pork
Poached apples for topping cakes

Salad with Fresh Fruits

Add fresh fruits to cook meat dishes, such as braised pork with apple or pineapple.  And other fresh fruits-grapes, orange and apple for the bed to roast Christmas Turkey that keep the meat moist and create a delicious fruity gravy. For the recipe, please look at the older post, and type: apple and turkey to search. 
Roasting Turkey on a Bed of Fresh Fruits-Grape, Orange and Apple.

The Roast Turkey Buffet garnished with fresh flower and herbs.
The dish with fresh fruits, apple, onion
to sit on the Turkey Buffet for roasting.

And of course, enjoy mixed fresh fruits for fruit salad and add them to leafy salad greens. Fresh berries are my favourites, they are excellent for topping cakes, meringues, add in the trifle and cook for compote to serve with ice cream.  Having fresh berries to eat as they are, is a treat.

I wish you all have fun with fresh fruit, and maybe you may like my ideas too.

For Easter, you could roast leg of lamb on the bed of fresh fruits (orange, and apricot), that makes excellent fruity sauce and gravy.
Pot roasting leg of lamb with fresh fruits

Get the whole leg of lamb instead of the half for the festivity.  It will look so grand on a large platter together with garnishes.

The previous post was all about cooking with vegetables, now it is about fresh fruits.
I like to work with both and have so much fun, I wish you do, and you are.

Until Next Post

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