Why Prune Trees
According to the literature that I have: Established trees will require little attention to thrive. A light prune for the sake of safety, health and aesthetics may be all that is needed. Make sure you are pruning in a season-appropriate for the type of tree, and respect the tree's natural habits.
Deciduous Trees
Pruning any tree has to be done correctly. This smoke bush, a beautiful deciduous tree was pruned/ cut drastically last winter. Time will tell if the tree will grow back again. I had to wait until springtime.
Smoke Bush -Winter 2012
I was too busy having fun preparing beautiful food for friends, I did not know what was happening in the backyard. Rayner is also keen to do trimming whenever he has a chance.
Instead of baking, I should have supervised the gardener while he does the pruning.
Beautiful cakes for a friend's birthday.
September is springtime here in Australia. All deciduous trees start to spring with lovely young leaves and also beautiful flowers.
Crab Apple Tree
I noticed the smoke bush tree is alive and well. There are view small leaves appearing on the branches. I think it is going to survive, I couldn't wait how tall the tree is going to be.
The Smoke Bush - Spring 2012
Potted Plants
This spring my potted clivia plants are doing very well. The creamy flower has a few flowers and about seven flowers for the other orange clivia. They are well established now, and I could move them around for a display.
Potted Clivia
Orange flower
Creamy flower
My Potted Bay
A Pair of Potted Bay At the Floriade Show
I will keep you informed about the smoke bush, within a couple of months I am sure the leaves will fill up with the beautiful bronze colour.
I am posting my experience about visiting the Floriade, it is a garden show which is held every ten years in the Netherland, very large and grand, so beautiful. Stay Tuned
Thanks For Stopping By
Mum I'm sure Dad did a sterling job with the pruning! He has loads of experience, right? X