Monday, 17 September 2012


I love dumplings mummy!

It was a long journey from Dubai to Melbourne, instead of going straight to Traralgon, we stopped by to stay at Mel's house, our first daughter.  That was very good as we could see the grandkids, Mary Rose, Thomas, Henry and Lily.  They have grown so much, and Lily is five months, almost 6 months old in a couple of days. They are very active, healthy children, loving school, kinder and young Henry and baby Lily make their mother smile and laugh a lot.  They are all good kids.

While we were there, Mel cooked us very yummy poached dumplings, young Henry said that he loves his dampolings, so cute.  It is not hard to make, but only time-consuming.  But it is worth it if the children and family love it.  We had delicious hot poached dumplings, everyone loves them.  It was good to see that the children were enjoying their meal, I have to say: indeed they love the 'dampolings.'

Henry is enjoying his dampolings-instead of dumplings
Thomas, Mary Rose, Henry are having poached dumplings for dinner

We passed on the gifts of their Aunty Jane from the Netherlands, Thomas was so pleased with his new Lego, and he showed the Lego's catalogue picture to me,  that he would like to have one of them for his birthday.
Thomas with his new Lego

Mary Rose with his parcel from the Netherlands, she's so pleased with
all new clothes, thanks to Silvia

Beautiful Baby Lily

We stayed for two nights, it was good enough, I was so tired from the jet lag, and I think it will take me a while to be myself again.  When I got home, I was still in holidays mood, was not willing to do much.  Walking, cycling and other physical activities don't' worry me much, in fact being busy outdoors was the number one choice for me.

Last night I tried to cook the dumplings.  I prepared the pastry my way, I could have bought it, but I don't think that I could get it from the local supermarket.  It turned out not so bad.

My interpretation of pork poached dumplings
Homemade pastry, shaping the dumplings, poaching and serving.

The shape of the dumpling was not as good as Melanie's, and also it was slightly larger.  But the taste was delicious.
It is an excellent food for any occasion, it can be served for lunch or light dinner.

I am thinking to do it again, I shall write the recipe correctly and share it with you all.  It is delightful to prepare with the children, you can have fun together.

I hope Henry likes my dampoling too when I have a chance I must cook for him.  It is going to be a challenge for me to beat his mother's cooking.

Thanks For Stopping By
Until Next Post


  1. Hi Mum, I've totally been into dumplings myself, but too lazy to make them myself. Bought some "pot stickers" from the chinese shop, vegetarian, and learnt via google how to cook them from frozen. Steam, then fry (not fry then steam as it says on the packet). The children look so beautiful - Mary looks very mature and Lily looks like a doll. Thomas was very absorbed by the gift, I'm happy to see and Henry is as cute as a button. Lovely to see all your new posts and to see that you're busy as ever, now that you're safe back at home. Love you! Jane

  2. Thanks Jane

    I get into my routine now, and loving it. It was good to see the grand kids, and to learn how to cook dumplings or dampolings as Henry said. Love mum xx

  3. Hi Mel, I am sorry that you could not do the comments, people told me the other day that they had the same problems. I must try to fix it. mum xx
