Wednesday 22 February 2017

Beans from Bruce

Green Beans
Freshly picked vegetables always taste better, it is tender, sweet, fresh is best.  Yesterday we got a beautiful freshly picked green beans from our good neighbour Bruce.
Preparing a composed salad with Spanish flavour for lunch, and the green beans would be useful in it.  I have enough vegetables and other ingredients for the salad.
Fresh Green Beans
Cooked to add to the Composed Salad

Other vegetables I need for the composed salad: tomato, capsicum, potato, leafy lettuce, red onion, egg, chorizo. And other ingredients are oil to cook also spices, fresh herbs, lime and olive oil for the salad dressing.

The dressing: Simple and Mild.
Oil, lime juice, smoked paprika, freshly ground black pepper, fresh herbs parsley and chives and salt.

2 tablespoons olive oil
Juice of one lime
1 teaspoon smoked paprika
1teaspoon salt and add freshly ground black paper
1 tablespoon chopped the fresh herbs.
(Place all ingredients in a jar, shake it to mix)

Preparation and cooking: all together is only 35 minutes.

An example, cooking for four people for a Lunch.

Lunch at 12
Set the table at 11

Start prep and cooking 11.15-11.55
(clear all the mess all the way)

Guests arrive at 11.55
Lunch starts at 12. approx
Serves and dress the salad just before serving.

The Other Ingredients  and a Large Bowl For the Compost Salad

Leafy greens (endive or cos lettuce), Chorizo, Eggs, Red onion, Potato, Red Capsicum and Tomatoes.

Boil the potato with the skin, peel when it is cooked.
Sautee the onion lightly, the onion should be crunchy with a sweet taste
Omelette, flavour it with herbs, cheese etc. (optional)

Preparation and the Procedures
The Cooking
Saute Onion
Peeled Potato
Boiled Potato
Pan Fry Chorizo

At 11.45, the components of composed salad have to be ready, and they are placed in the serving bowl.  Set aside and dress it prior serving time.  Serve at once.
Place all cooked salad components in a large bowl, set aside.
Dress with the salad dressing before serving.
The Procedures
Start at 11 o'clock
11.20  -------- clean leafy greens, the beans, slice onion-chorizo-capsicum-tomato 

11.20 - 11.30 -------------- boil the potato and cook the beans, have two pots to cook at the same time.

11.22 - 11.24------------------------------------- place clean and cut fresh vegetables in a large bowl

11.25 - 11.29 -------------------------------------  sauteing red onion and cooking omelette-cut in wedges.

11.30 -----------------------------------------------   the beans cooked before the potatoes,  leave to cool

11.32 - 11.35 -----------------------------  cook the chorizo using the pan from cooking the omelette.

11.37   ------------------------ prepare the dressing

11.45 ---------------------------All components of the salad are in the serving bowl, set aside 

11.55 ------  Dress the salad with the dressing, add the onion and sprinkle with fresh parsley on top

12.00 ----  Lunch is served

Multitasking in cooking is vital to achieving a good result and timely.

A Delicious Composed Salad, Garnished with Sourdough Bread.
Home Baked
Sourdough Bread

The preparation was spot on, and the procedures worked perfectly.

The composed salad was sufficed to serve for four, a little sweet could be served to complete the meal. 

Crusty bread is excellent to complement the salad,  and it is readily available from the bread shop.  You don't need to bake it at home.

I am sure Bruce would be very pleased and proud to know regarding the beans.  Thank you kindly.


Variation for the Salad Dressing.

A dressing using smoked paprika, and prepare one hour before serving.

Salad Dressing with Smoked Paprika
Lime juice of one lime.
¼ cup red wine vinegar
1tablespoon honey
1 teaspoon mustard powder
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon smoked paprika
1 shallot, finely chopped
1 fresh clove garlic, crushed
Herbs: oregano (optional)
1/3 cup olive oil.
Blend the ingredients in a food processor together except the olive oil until smooth.
Pour the olive oil into mixing, at the last
The dressing should be thick, smooth and silky
Refrigerate before using for one hour.

This dressing is not very delicate, as the flavour of fresh garlic, shallot and the vinegar is very pronounced.
You have the choice, the mild one was prepared for the composed salad.

Until Next Post.

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