Wednesday 7 January 2015

Christmas Celebration, 2014

A long time ago the three wise men from the east were coming to visit baby Jesus, dated on the sixth January.  It was celebrated by the Catholic church calendar as The Epiphany- the three kings from the East were searching for a newborn baby.  So today is the last day of celebration for Christmas.
No, I will not be having a feast today, to cook all yum food to celebrate; instead, I am reminiscing how excellent and beautiful family get together for Christmas it was,  at Susan's and Tristan's place.

A beautiful and pleasant celebration Christmas with Susan and Tris was hard to forget.  The place and ambience were cold, the theme was friendly, and the feast was fantastic.  We had such a great day, an enjoyable family get together.  The four grandkids were very content and happy, they were well behaved at the table, after dinner, there were performances from the grandchildren; indeed, they were very entertaining.

The night before, on Christmas Eve, we were taken out for dinner, the flavour of Vietnam,  I did not know how to choose, but when going to Vietnamese restaurant 'Pho" is the way to go.  The serving was so generous; indeed, I enjoyed the broth, it was so rich and flavoursome.

We got home, Susan and Tris, continued the Christmas preparation for the 'feast'.  From cleaning the lobster, prawns and making the dressing as well as getting ready for the dessert ' the cobbler.'

Christmas Eve at Susan and Tristan

Fresh King Tiger Prawns
The prawns are fresh and raw, so precious.
Poaching the prawns, cool, to clean

The Crayfish or Lobster
This beauty has to be shelled, cleaned and sliced. 
Susan did an excellent job to look after the lobster, it took a long time, but she did it with perfection.

Tristan prepared the dressing, the salad and cleaning up the mess in between.  Soon when the job has been done, the kitchen is cleaned and spotless.

Tristan is following the recipe, the iPad is handy.

Chopping chives finely and added to the dressing.

The dressing is done, covered and refrigerated.

Christmas morning, after opening presents, they were ready for the big day.  Susan set up the Christmas table beautifully, according to the latest fashion.  It's her taste, very modern.  How good it was for us to be relaxed on Christmas day, just being there and having a good time.


The Feast

After The Feast
The grandkids opened the presents, loved them, and the adult was
doing the Kris Kringle,

The moustache -from Christmas bonbon
Lily and Happy Henry

What a lovely Christmas it was, happy family, get together, it would have been better if Jane's family was there as well; indeed we all missed them.  The weather was perfect, the feast was great, and the company was lovely.  Sorry though to Alfie (Susan's dog) was not there, he was resting peacefully after his morning walk,  thank you, Alfie, for being a good boy.

Most of all, everyone enjoyed themselves, in a very relaxed atmosphere, a happy place to be to celebrate Christmas.

Thank You, Susan and Tris,

As a mother, it is a proud moment to see the children are doing so well, it was great to see Tris and Susan working so well together, they are a good team.  Congratulations to you both for being the perfect, kind and generous hosts.

We are Blessed.

We both are in good health, it got me thinking that would be great if the children and their family can be with us, coming home to celebrate  Christmas. 2015.

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