A Farewell to celebrate the life of a dear friend-Roland, it was a lovely and friendly service, he was ninety-nine years old. A kind and caring local doctor he was, who looked after all the people. We knew his wife Joan very well who passed on the previous year, now they are together in their eternal home.
Remembering Them with Fondness, our first meeting was at our Table Tennis Sports Club years ago, and since then we got to know them better.
They loved people well and are very kind, for example, over a conversation during a coffee break in our sports club, she would talk or telling a storey, and she always included everyone to make sure no one felt left out. Joan was a people person, so was Roland.
Roland stayed to play the sport until he was nine two years, Joan had to retire early due to her health. They were a very inspiring couple and indeed loved by all.
At Our Home and Their Home
They were friendly to us and came to visit, they liked our garden too. We were always welcome at their home in Brolga Avenue and also in the other place in Dalkeith. They were very hospitable, I loved listening to their stories, so exciting, and I could learn a lot from.
The Bay Leaf Story
The day we were invited for lunch, I took the fresh herb bouquet; however, the bay leaf has to be included to make a perfect bouquet. A small cutting of the tiny potted standard bay tree has to be done to add to the rests of the fresh herbs.
No, they did not need the bay leaf at all, after all that, I found out they had a large established bay tree in their backyard.
Funny, I thought!
The Gifts
The Orchid Plants
Crucifix Orchids - Epidendrum
I am sorry to say, the pair Crucifix Orchid plants the gift of Joan is no longer here, for some reasons I could not look after them properly. I remembered vividly, Roland and his son Ian delivered the beautiful orchid plants.To rephrase: the orchids were the gift from their family to Joan, and she decided to pass on to me because she believed that I could look after them. I was so proud to be trusted. Indeed, I tried very best, but they were with us for a few years only.
Still, I am grateful that they stayed with us and flowering for a few seasons.
A lovely time with Roland and Joan at our home for a Sunday Lunch.
A roast beef, but no potato, sweet potato instead, green vegetables and Yorkshire pudding for the garnishes. Fruit sponge for the dessert.
The Home Baked Bread Surprise gifts from our guests were freshly baked healthy wholemeal brown bread, baked by Roland, and a beautiful bouquet of Australian native flowers, from their garden, it's just right for our table. Very kind and generous, that's what I meant, they made time to do great things for others.
Home baked brown bread from Roland |
The bread went a long way, sliced and eaten fresh with butter.
Prepared for toasts. Beautiful and delicious brown bread, especially a home baked.
Much Appreciated.
Delicious Toasted bread with filling,
Toasted Sandwich of Roland's Brown Bread |
Bouquet of Australian Native flowers from Roland's garden |
I felt honoured and humbled to receive the beautiful bouquet. Thank You.
Cut Mixed Abutilon From Roland |
With their permission, I did ask Joan at the time, I am sharing with you the picture of their garden.
Joan and Roland's New Garden.
In The Back Garden
A beautiful collection of Australian Native Plants.
In The Front Garden
Gorgeous Potted Orange Geranium in Full Bloom
It was amazing to see them in the new home, they created a lovely place a happy home and a beautiful garden.
I remember, pleasant afternoons with us, we were so lucky to have them around, together we enjoyed the day and freshly brewed tea. The lovely time stays with me always.
Thank You
Beautiful Memory.
November 2018
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