Monday 22 January 2018


After the Hot Heat.
Last week, we had hot days,  it was not a heatwave though, in fact, the heat was intense and dry but indeed a little humid.  Overall it was bearable.
Always concerned when it happened to all elderly people, Once cannot be careful, we know how to do to face the critical situation.  Nurses and carers are so kind that they could rely on.  Thanks to these beautiful and caring people.  Today is a pleasant change, just the right temperature, that is lovely.

In my backyard, most plants have survived very well, some flowers suffered from the heat, particularly the hydrangea and some roses, however,  today new roses are appearing again with freshness.  That's good to see.
The hot heat is not suitable for these flowers, in any case, the hydrangea flowers were already wilted and drying out, and the colour was faded.
The red roses are looking alright, at present they look like a tapestry of dried and fresh flowers, the tapestry of the red rose.

The Geisha girls surviving beautifully and now start flowering, the purple colour absolutely gorgeous.

However, Rayner's apple tree does not have any fruits this year, even the leaves are strange. Some of them look like pencil pine leaf, which are in contrast compare to the typical apple leaf.  I said: It is a living Green Bouquet in my garden.  It looks so pretty and very artistic too.  It is durable under the heat, and the green leaves are looking greener.
Apple Tree with strange leaves
Most potted plants are not affected by the hot heat, particularly the one sitting under the Eave. Did I mention about me having espalier apple Fuji, well It has no fruit at all, it was flowering though before springtime. The plant is a life and well, and no problem during the hot weather.  I got it last year, and there were about eighteen apples to harvest, I don't understand why this year it does not have any.  Do fruit trees need a rest now and then?
A cool-fresh change and easy Sunday today, but in the morning there was drama at home, plumbing problem.  Luckily is fixed now.  Have time to spare working in the garden, in the late afternoon pulling the grass in between the hedges was rather hard, but very satisfying.  At last, the work was done, and I could see the result, it's not bad at all.  After the hot weather, the soil is loose and soft, it could be because of the rain last week.  It makes the weeding easier.

The hedges have grown taller now, the vegetable garden is surrounded by these pretty green border plants,  I thought it was a good idea, and I still do, but unfortunately, they need regular trimming.  It is lots of Work.   No edging between the hedges and the grass, I like it this way, as it looks natural.

Porter around the garden, and working after the hot days was excellent, we had a few jobs done.  It is summer, after all, we have warm days from time to time.

Today is Monday the start of the week,  and the weather is not hot, but pleasant,  have a good day. All!

Until Next Post

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