Tuesday 26 January 2016

Australia Day

What is Australia Day?

I ask a question about it, and I believe everyone gives the right answer. 
I found an article about it, and here it is I copied and pasted for you.

Happy Reading!

From:  www.australiaday.org.au/australia-day/about-our-national-day/

On Australia Day we come together as a nation to celebrate what's great about Australia and being Australian. It's the day to reflect on what we have achieved and what we can be proud of in our great nation. It's the day for us to re-commit to making Australia an even better place for the future.
Australia Day, 26 January, is the anniversary of the arrival of the First Fleet of 11 convict ships from Great Britain, and the raising of the Union Jack at Sydney Cove by its commander Captain Arthur Phillip, in 1788 (you can read a comprehensive history of the evolution of Australia Day here).
Though 26 January marks this specific event, today Australia Day celebrations reflect contemporary Australia: our diverse society and landscape, our remarkable achievements and our bright future. It also is an opportunity to reflect on our nation's history, and to consider how we can make Australia an even better place in future.
On Australia Day, over half of the nation’s population of 21 million attend either an organised community event or get together with family and friends to celebrate our national day. Many more spend the public holiday relaxing with family and friends.
Yet Australia Day is much more than barbeques and fireworks. It is more than another public holiday. It is more than the pride and excitement of new citizens who call themselves Australian for the first time on 26 January after being conferred citizenship.
At its core, Australia Day is a day driven by communities, and the celebrations held in each town, suburb or city – unified by the celebration of what’s great about Australia and being Australian – are the foundation of its ongoing success.

Sports and Activities bring people together, to share, to achieve a better life and healthy living is very Australian.  I am for it.
On that note, I was lucky enough to be spending time with people at our ping pong sports group, since the next day was going to be the Australia Day, I decided to share savoury and sweet dishes for morning tea.  They were cooking from Java, the place where I come from.  
 Lemper And Wajik
Lemper: stuffed glutinous rice rolls with savoury minced beef

Wajik: steamed sweet glutinous rice, flavoured with palm sugar
or white sugar.
Delicious savoury and sweet dishes-Javanese cooking.

In my thought with a good spirit, the cooking was dedicated to the Australian Day celebration, and I was glad that people enjoyed the morning tea.  

Today I wish you all a perfect celebration for the Australia Day 2016. 
We must live together in harmony and move forward to achieve a better life.

Until Next Post

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