Sunday 25 May 2014


Hydrangea is one of the most beautiful flowers, it changes colours dramatically in its season, from white, pink to blue into greenish tint before it dies down.
Sadly my hydrangea plants are not doing well this year,  the flowers are tiny, and also only a few, maybe because the weather has been so hot and dry.
It was still early autumn, but I decided to cut down all the plants in the hope that they will grow and flower well in spring.  But I was wrong.

I learnt from my reading about it; apparently I just made a big mistake.  By pruning drastically, the plants won't die, they will grow back with a lot of leaves in spring, but probably won't' be flowering.  I am disappointed, as I have to wait, maybe until the following year to enjoy the flowers.

They can be very spectacular when they are in flowers, this picture was taken some time around late Spring a few years ago.
The hydrangea flowers at their best, Spring 2012

Hydrangea plants were drastically pruned in the early Autumn 2014

 The new short and pruned plants were soaked in water, the plants grow well in moist soil.

After Pruning:

- loose soil around the plants

- give a little fertiliser 

- water them regularly

- clear from weeds and slugs

- extra mulch around the plants

- a good feed in spring

That is all that I have to do for the plants, and I believe that they will grow back again.

The flowers are beautiful from spring to summer.
When they are in flowers, people who are passing by our place often admire the bloom which they can see beyond the gate. It pleases me, being the gardener.

The last flower for this year.

In the Netherlands,  Hortensia or hydrangea grows beautifully, and the flowers are enormous. The bloom stays in the garden for an extended period because of the pleasant cold climate.

Here in Australia, the plant grows well and flowers can be beautiful too only the size is not as large compared to the bulbs in the colder climate.  And also because of the harsh weather-strong wind and hot heat, the plant suffers, and the flowers wilt quickly and become brownish.  However, I love to have them in my garden.  I celebrate, and plant them in the ground and also in pots, they are pink, blue ball and white lace hydrangeas.  Gorgeous Flowers!!!

Beautiful and Colourful Hydrangea-2011

Dried Flower Arrangement - Hydrangeas

My hydrangea flower arrangement has changed colour through time, over the years.  Starting from pink and blue colours and now they become white or light brown and whitish.

I will let you know what is happening about the hydrangea plants in spring.  Are they flowering or just flourishing with a lot of green leaves. 

This weekend is wet, cold, but restful.

Have a good week to you all.

Until Next Post

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