My roses are not doing very well this year, it is not the year of roses for me. In fact, the floribunda iceberg roses don't look very good at all, the leaves are curly and skinny, and the edges are brown. It is the first time these roses have the problems since I planted ten years ago, and I don't know why. I sprayed with lime sulphur in this winter after the pruning with the hope for better growth. Instead, they are now looking sad and not healthy at all. I decided to give them fertiliser, and they are springing now, they have more growth, but still, they don't look right.
Standard Floribunda White Iceberg Roses
The look of these rose plants is wrong for this time of the year; usually, the leaves are full, and the plants carry a lot of roses buds. The buds are there, but they are skinny and tiny. It is sad, and I feel sorry about the plants. Do they need extra fertiliser, or mulch and water maybe?
The Red Rose Bushes
The bud has a bizarre shape, and the bloom is different, but a few regular/standard buds are there.![]() |
Ugly bud of rose and ugly bloom |
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The standard/regular bud of the red rose |
Indeed it is another sad story about my roses in my garden. This year after winter pruning, the new leaves were growing back in the springtime, but soon after I found a lot of aphids on the plants. I struggled to get rid of them as there were a lot. I sprayed with water using a garden hose many times, and they keep on coming back. I tried to spray with detergent mixed with water a couple of times, and it still did not work. And finally, I did what I had to do, to spray with a form of chemical, and after sometimes the aphids were no longer there. However, I still find some aphids now and then, but the way to get rid of them is only by squishing with my fingers, as there are not as many. I think I can manage how to control the aphids now.
The roses are now in full bloom, but the funny thing is that the rose petals have changed the shape, they became pointy instead of roundish, and the colour is different, it is merely read, as before it was of deep red, solid colour. Also, I could not smell any fragrance. What Had Happened To My Red Roses???
The Original Colour of the Red Rose
Beautiful Red Rose With round petals and deep red colour. |
The Red Rose has changed in shape and colour this year.
To Compare Closely
Last year the original rose (left) and this year rose (right)
Last year the original rose (left) and this year rose (right)
What can I say, I hope next year my roses are coming back, so I will celebrate the look, the shape, and the fragrance and be proud to cut them and put them in my large vase for inside the house.
Last week was Melbourne Cup Day one of the best Spring Carnivals in Australia. Horse races at Flemington and the Race no 7 was the Game. The field was adorned with million of roses plants with their beautiful blooms, and I saw the "pink ", gorgeous soft colour and elegant celebrated the occasion. No, we did not go to the races, but happy enough to join the sweepstake in our sports club, and as it happened Rayner's horses (Breakheart City) won the race, and he came second. It is a good feeling to win something, not how much money you get, but "winning" is more important.
Herbs and edible flowers.
washing the fresh herbs and edible flowers |
I baked cheese bread, garnished with herbs to serve. And an open apple pie for the sweet which was decorated with edible flowers. Both beautiful foods were shared for morning tea.
Garnishes, the thing to remember is that the fresh flower and herbs had to be treated gently, wash and dry properly. Thorough preparation is needed here, we don't want to see bugs or dirt on the foods.
The cheese bread was simple, cut into little slices and dressed in cheese, tomato and shredded fresh herbs.
Lazy Apple Tart, ready to be baked |
A platter of Cheese Bread with Garnishes |
Lazy Apple Tart |
Other Roses in My Garden: David Austin Rose, Graham Thomas, Pink Seduction, Blue Moon.
I am so lucky to have these colourful roses. The red rose and floribunda iceberg, also the peace rose are not too well, let them be, for now, I have to take the bad and the good, be simply relaxed, I should not be too anxious.
The happiness will be here again when these roses are better and come back to bloom with the abundance of flowers to put on a show.
My all best wishes for your roses, enjoy!
Until Next Post
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